The project opened in late 2014. Full-width images with number and caption text ->
Photo Slideshow Drivers Of The
Click the images to enlarge and view in a slideshow. It will allow the region to maintain its status quo for a time, but it won’t solve the issues it was intended to address.”The following photographs, taken by Circle of Blue reporter and photographer Aaron Jaffe, were first published in 2011 as part of the Choke Point: China project, produced by Circle of Blue and the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars China Environment Forum. “It is the perfect example of a band-aid approach to water management. Nonetheless, critics have long raised concerns about the project’s social and environmental consequences, and even proponents have conceded it is no panacea for China’s long-term water problems.“The fact that the Middle and Eastern Routes of the SNWTP are now operational does not mean that North China’s water issues have been solved,” Britt Crow-Miller, assistant professor of geography at Portland State University who has studied the transfer project, wrote to Circle of Blue in an e-mail.Rapid urban population growth and severe industrial water pollution, for example, have led to increasing levels of water stress in northern China, according to Crow-Miller.“The SNWTP does indeed bring more water to cities like Beijing and Tianjin, but it actually allows the underlying drivers of the problem to persist unchecked,” she wrote. Try it today.Much of China’s energy and industrial production is located in its arid northern provinces, and the South-North Water Transfer Project is therefore seen as key to unlocking the country’s development potential.